How It Works At
Dr. Joe's Online Healthcare Clinic


How To Get Started

It's as easy as 1-2-3-4-5
No. 1: Click on the Get A Quote or the Appointment Link
(Note: On some browers this Appointment Menu may take a few seconds to load)
No. 2: From the Pick A Service Menu, choose the appropriate category that best matches your reason for an Appointment
No. 3: Choose the Date & Time that is available for your Appointment
No. 4: Enter Your Details (Name, Email, and Phone Number)
Check the Box that you have read the Terms and Conditions
then click the Schedule Appointment Link
No. 5: Pay for your Scheduled Appointment either at the Appointment Booking Desk or at our Payment Menu Link
Note: Your Listed Payment Amount must be PAID and RECEIVED by us before your Appointment or your Appointment will be CANCELLED

Pick Your Service

Just scroll through the menu and choose the Service that most suits your need

Appointment Setup

Scheduling your Appointment is automatic after you select the Date & Time that is available from the Calendar and Time Slot that is open

Patient Onboarding

Onboarding is also automatic once you have Scheduled and Paid for your Appointment


Appointments must be paid for IN ADVANCE or it will be CANCELLED
If you are not prompted for Payment at the Automated Appointment Booking Desk, then PAY HERE the listed payment amoumt of your selected Appointment

Going Live

No. 1: Collect all of your Pharmacy information (Name, Address, and Phone Number) so your Provider can ensure they send any Prescriptions to the right place
No. 2: Test the LINKS provided and sent to you on your LapTop or Mobile device to ensure that both VIDEO and AUDIO work
No.3: Be signed on and ready to meet your Medical Provider at least 5-10 minutes before your Scheduled Appointment Time. Being our schedule is tight, you must be ready and available on-time for your scheduled appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your Appointment, you may not be seen on that particular date. However, our scheduling staff will call and work with you to reschedule your Appointment.